Software Industry is probably the most complex among all others. Unlike other industries, here we encounter many rapid changes and that too in bigger numbers. That’s why there is no place for the word ‘average’ when we recruit designers, developers or testers. The competition is cutting-edge and we need razor-edged people to tackle them. But are we following correct ways to recruit such high-skilled staffs?
It’s Time To Get Out Of Complacency
You may have conducted lots of interviews and by now feeling that you know all about the art. That’s why you are sticking with some set patterned interview questions; asking about some hypothetical ‘what if’ situations or going by your gut feelings.
Accurate answers can be easily memorized and so your candidates can do (in fact they do). On the basis of studies, it is established that even the best managers are capable of making biased judgments. In the course of recruitment, this can prove fatal. Generally, we form an opinion about a candidate within the first 3 minutes. Rest of the time is spent on establishing that pre-conception.
Measuring Future Efficiency
John Hunter and Frank Schmidt have published a report in 1998. This report was based on 85 years of data. This was to establish the efficiency of assessment techniques to predict your employee’s future performance. Based on that the report it is established that above-mentioned types of questions could only predict 14% of future efficiency. Checking references further establish 7% of it and 3% is established upon prior work experience. Summing them all it makes up only 24% of future efficiency.
Smarter Alternatives
Following 3 tips may help you on making right choices in matters of recruiting top software personals:
Sample Work Test:
Huge 29% predictions can be made out from testing sample works. If you are hiring a designer or a developer, you can offer him or her to solve a real life problem.
General Tests To Measure Cognitive Ability:
At 26% this is a sort of IQ test. Raw intelligence plus ability to learn new things is measured during the course of a test.
Structured Interview Questions:
Structured interview questions are tied in 26%. Comprising of right plus wrong answers, they are set against predefined ideas. This set of questions has a meager probability of being treated in bias.
Summing all of the above-mentioned tips, you have raised the probability of choosing correct candidates by 81%.
Suggestions From Google
In his book ‘Work Rules- Insights From Inside Google That Will Transform How You Live And Lead’ the senior VP Mr. Bock has provided some valuable suggestions. Every year Google chooses only thousands from among some million-job applications. Let’s see them one by one:
- Measuring your candidate’s conscience and leadership abilities prove to be successful.
- Keep your hiring rubric compact and concise.
- Hiring people better than you makes interview process highly successful.
- During hiring process, you should be ready to even give up your managers’ powers.
- While hiring, it is a bad practice to look upon academic career only.
- Interviews should be conducted by multiple interviewers. Herein the candidate’s potential subordinate may also participate.
We hope that all these above-mentioned tips will help you while planning out you interview rounds. Recruiting for your company is a precious investment. Don’t rush in or base your decisions on guts feelings.
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